We at http://floridaoilspill.com have just posted the hundreds of complex pages, maps, schedules, diagrams, and Court Orders in the BP Oil Spill Settlement Claims case that apply to some parts of Florida. Here are the BP Oil Spill Settlement Claims documents. One of the most frequently asked Questions (FAQ) is: If I File a BP Oil Spill Claim - Do I Need to Prove Causation? Generally, no.
BP Oil Spill Claim - Do I Need to Prove Causation?
The BP Settlement Agreement provides, in part:
I. Business Claimants for Which There is No Causation Requirement
1) If you are a business in Zone A, you are not required to provide any evidence of causation unless you fall into one of the exceptions agreed to by the parties, and listed in footnote (1).
2) If you are a “Landing Site,” or “Commercial Wholesale or Retail Dealer A,” or “Primary Seafood Processor,” as set forth in “Seafood Distribution Chain Definitions,” you are not required to provide any evidence of causation.
3) If you are in Zone A, B or C and you are a “Commercial or Wholesale or Retail Dealer B,” or a “Secondary Seafood Processor,” or a “Seafood Wholesaler or Distributor,” or a “Seafood Retailer,” as set forth in “Seafood Distribution Chain Definition,” you are not required to provide any evidence of causation.
4) If you are in Zone A or Zone B, and you meet the “Tourism Definition,” you are not required to provide any evidence of causation.
5) If you are in Zone A, B or C, and you meet the “Charter Fishing Definition” you are not required to provide any evidence of causation.
BP Oil Spill Claim