BP Oil Spill Claims - What People Don't Know |
Florida BP Oil Spill Claims Attorney http://www.floridaoilspill.com notes that the media has covered the BP Oil Spill Claims for Businesses claims process extensively. What people and business owners don't know: "Is my business covered by the BP Oil Spill Claims Settlement?" This short video can help find a resource to determine if you, your family, or your business qualifies for a settlement from the Deepwater Horizon Claims Center .
The settlement is 1270 pages long and we have posted the agreement here for you to review. See
http://bpsettlement.floridaoilspill.com/. We have studied the settlement agreement and can quickly calculate what, if any damages may be awarded.
Florida BP Oil Spill Claims Attorney - Video
One media source noted, "In the months after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded 300 miles off Florida's coast in April 2010, hotel and restaurant owners, fishermen and shopkeepers kept a grim vigil, waiting to see whether the millions of gallons of spilled oil would taint the state's beaches and harm its seafood." See Review.net "Feeding Frenzy" March 8, 2013.
The Feeding Frenzy report also noted,, "In December, U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier in New Orleans gave final approval to a $7.8 billion partial class-action settlement providing for economic and property damages from the spill, including those in Florida. BP separately agreed to pay $4.5 billion in penalties and pleaded guilty to felony misconduct in the disaster, which cost 11 lives. Barbier now is presiding over a trial to determine whether BP was grossly negligent, with another $17 billion in potential penalties at stake."
The writer recognized, "With the new guidelines, thousands of firms may qualify if they fall within designated coastal zones and show a 2010 drop in revenue after the disaster, with a rebound in 2011. But the window to collect damages from the largest oil spill in U.S. history is closing — economic and property damage claims must be filed by April 2014. "
The article concluded, "As of Feb. 10, in the third phase of payouts, the Deepwater Horizon Claims Center had issued 26,608 eligibility notices with payment offers totaling more than $2 billion throughout the gulf states. The center had also completed more than $1.43 billion in payments on 19,530 claims. "
BP Oil Spill Claims - What People in Florida Don't Know
Also See: BP Oil Spill Claims, oil spill, Florida Oil Spill Claims, Deepwater Horizon, Judge Carl Barbier, Deepwater Horizon Claims Center, Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Florida
Source: http://www.review.net/section/detail/feeding-frenzy/