Showing posts with label Florida Oil Spill Claims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida Oil Spill Claims. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

BP Oil Spill Claims Bounty Hunters Wanted

BP, Florida Oil Spill Claims, Pinellas Oil Spill Claims, BP Oil Spill Claims in Florida
Bounty Hunters Wanted
Oil Spill Claimants Bounty - While the Feds are going after BP for penalties associated with the massive oil spill, BP continues to help the Gulf recover by paying bounty on fraudulent oil spill claimants:  

Today they said "Tips received through the Hotline will be reviewed and referred for further evaluation, if warranted, to fraud investigators at the CSSP, the National Center for Disaster Fraud, or other law enforcement agencies. Tips that lead directly to an indictment, a recovery of money paid, or the denial of a claim because of fraud or corruption may entitle the reporter to a reward."

The Oil Spill tipline has been in operation since days after the oil well destroyed the Gulf Coast. Thanks BP for gathering information that helps the gulf recovery.

Just so you know.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Truth About the BP Settlement - Part 2

BP Oil Spill Claims, BP Settlement, Florida Oil Spill Claims, Judge Carl Barbier,
Truth About the
BP Settlement 
BP is dissatisfied with the Oil Spill Claims Judge. On behalf of one of the lead lawyers in the BP Oil Spill Settlement, we want you to know and to correct some of the misinformation surrounding BP’s current media campaign. Again, On behalf of the businesses and families of the Gulf Coast, the undisputed factual record establishes that:

"Judge Barbier was selected by a panel of respected trial and appellate court judges from across the country to preside over the BP Oil Spill Litigation, one of the largest, if not the largest, consolidated cases in history. He has been universally praised by BP and others for his ingenuity, commitment and dedication to the efficient and effective management of this vast and complex litigation. Judge Barbier has served on the Federal Bench for well over a decade, and his integrity and judicial excellence have never been called into question."

Just so everyone knows.

 Source: BP Oil Spill Class Counsel

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fox News Weighs in on BP Oil Spill Claims - Video

BP Oil Spill Claims in Florida, BP Oil Spill Claims, Oil Spill Claims, Florida Oil Spill Claims,
BP Oil Spill Claims in Florida Video

Florida BP Oil Spill Claims have now caught the attention of Fox News. Fox News has reported fraud. BP has hired a prominent lawyer to fight claims that are made under the settlement. A settlement that BP lawyers helped to write and British Petroleum had  filed in a federal court.

See Also: BP Oil Spill Claims, Oil Spill Claims, BP Oil Spill Claims in Florida, Florida Oil Spill Claims


Thursday, June 20, 2013

BP Oil Spill Claims - What People Don't Know - Video

BP Oil Spill Claims, oil spill, Florida Oil Spill Claims, Deepwater Horizon, Judge Carl Barbier, Deepwater Horizon Claims Center, Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Florida
BP Oil Spill Claims -
What People Don't Know
Florida BP Oil Spill Claims Attorney notes that the media has covered the BP Oil Spill Claims for Businesses claims process extensively. What people and business owners don't know: "Is my business covered by the BP Oil Spill Claims Settlement?" This short video can help find a resource to determine if you, your family, or your business qualifies for a settlement from the Deepwater Horizon Claims Center .

The settlement is 1270 pages long and we have posted the agreement here for you to review. See We have studied the settlement agreement and can quickly calculate what, if any damages may be awarded.

Florida BP Oil Spill Claims Attorney - Video

One media source noted, "In the months after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded 300 miles off Florida's coast in April 2010, hotel and restaurant owners, fishermen and shopkeepers kept a grim vigil, waiting to see whether the millions of gallons of spilled oil would taint the state's beaches and harm its seafood." See  "Feeding Frenzy" March 8, 2013.

The Feeding Frenzy report also noted,, "In December, U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier in New Orleans gave final approval to a $7.8 billion partial class-action settlement providing for economic and property damages from the spill, including those in Florida. BP separately agreed to pay $4.5 billion in penalties and pleaded guilty to felony misconduct in the disaster, which cost 11 lives. Barbier now is presiding over a trial to determine whether BP was grossly negligent, with another $17 billion in potential penalties at stake."

The writer recognized, "With the new guidelines, thousands of firms may qualify if they fall within designated coastal zones and show a 2010 drop in revenue after the disaster, with a rebound in 2011. But the window to collect damages from the largest oil spill in U.S. history is closing — economic and property damage claims must be filed by April 2014. "

The article concluded, "As of Feb. 10, in the third phase of payouts, the Deepwater Horizon Claims Center had issued 26,608 eligibility notices with payment offers totaling more than $2 billion throughout the gulf states. The center had also completed more than $1.43 billion in payments on 19,530 claims. "

BP Oil Spill Claims - What People in Florida Don't Know

Also See: BP Oil Spill Claims, oil spill, Florida Oil Spill Claims, Deepwater Horizon, Judge Carl Barbier, Deepwater Horizon Claims Center, Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Florida


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Can I File BP Oil Spill Claim if my Business is Not on Coast?

Can I File BP Oil Spill Claim if my Business is Not on Coast? Yes.

Florida Oil Spill Claims, Oil Spill Claims, Tampa Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill Settlement Fund, Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill Settlement Fund, BP Settlement, Attorney, Lawyer
Map of the zones in the settlement
Florida Oil Spill Attorney and presents a short video discussing BP Oil Spill claims for businesses that are not on the coast. The map showing areas included in the settlement is featured. BP Oil Spill claim? Call 813-222-2220.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

BP Oil Spill Claim - Is it too late?

No the claim deadline is early 2014.

BP Oil Spill, Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill Settlement Fund, Florida Oil Spill Claims, Oil Spill Claims, Tampa Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill Settlement Fund,
Is it too late?
Some people ask: I can't prove that my business was harmed by the oil spill. How can I be entitled to money from BP? The settlement recognizes that the oil spill hurt the entire state of Florida, not just businesses along the coast. The settlement does NOT require you to prove that your business was hurt specifically because of the oil spill.

BP Oils Spill Claims FAQ Update 

We are also asked: Is my business included in this settlement? Almost every kind of business located anywhere in the state of Florida is included in this settlement. Our lawyers will check to make sure your business is included.

Florida Oil Spill Claims, Oil Spill Claims, BP Oil Spill, Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill Settlement Fund, Tampa Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill Settlement Fund,
BP Oil Spill Claim - Map

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Florida Oil Spill Class Action Attorney | Lawyer Video on Claims Process

Florida Oil Spill claims on the $20 Billion escrow fund are going to be carefully screened to avert fraudulent claims. It sounds like the claims will be reviewed for legitimacy. Lawyers do not need to be involved if the fund is run correctly. According to one Florida attorney, the only reason those claims by small businesses or individuals may need counsel, would be if a court finds the program is not funding those in need in a timely manner.